Saturday, August 9, 2008

Summer KAL-CAL

What is that????? It stands for Summer Knit Along-Crochet Along. This is a sort of contest and a way to get encouragement from the crochet & knit world. Here is the link to the Summer KAL-CAL

I crochet. I tried to knit many years ago and remember feeling frustrated. About 3 years ago I decided to teach myself how to crochet and found it easy and relaxing. I started by making baby blankets for our son and then branched out. Here is a picture of my most recent completed project:

Crochet Cable Afghan

I had to start it over several times before I finally got it the width that I wanted. It's gorgeous if I do say so myself!

I also recently completed a pilloghan that I might give as a Christmas present so no picture.

I purchased some Lily Sugar N Cream yarn to complete the Cottage Bag. I started it out and didn't think I would have enough yarn. (don't you just hate that!) I started to make Small Stash Baskets but they were so small I couldn't figure out what purpose they would serve in my house. So back to the drawing board. What to do? I searched the Internet, downloaded tons of free patterns trying to decide on one. I finally decided that that was ridiculous to keep searching and not starting anything. I looked back at all of my patterns and selected...drum roll please...


Cottage Bag


So this is the pattern I will be submitting to the Summer KAL-CAL. According to the blog, I can enter more than one bag or socks. We'll see how this one goes and what time I have after school starts.

  I'm really excited about this new adventure!

Costume Play

On Friday Bobby rediscovered his Halloween costume that Othermama made! He had tons of fun playing around and making elephant sounds. Josie didn't like it but Sara could have cared less!

 DSC02372 Josie preparing to jump on the elephant.



DSC02377 Sara in her usual position.

DSC02380 Bobby the elephant


Oh yeah - here are the pictures I promised of my flowerbed (part of it)

  Sat 8-09-08 003 Sat 8-09-08 004 



and Michael's baby cradle.

Michael's baby cradle



Bobby's Flowers These are the flowers that Bobby planted from seeds.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A little update for the week

As I mentioned in my last post, I bought some stuff for my flowerbeds that were really, really overgrown! So this week I have focused in on getting my flowerbeds back under control. The problem is the heat doesn't allow me to get outside for very long everyday. So I have been getting up every morning around 6:30 and heading outside to work until around 10:00 which is my heat limit. As of today, Wednesday, August 6, 2008, the flowerbeds are done. I had a real problem before with drainage so I'm hoping that weed stop fabric and mulch will help with that problem. I also planted 72 "monkey grass" plants which Michael says will help. It took me 3 days but I think it's worth it! I'll post a picture when I'm through watering it.

So here's a report on the menus from last week. I started off great the first two days but then I got sick and the rest is history. I am continuing the unmade recipes this week. I made Famous Pork Chops Tuesday night and we had them for leftovers tonight. This is one of Bobby's favorite meals that I make. I haven't tried the Fake 'n Bake or the 7-Up chicken yet but there is still time this week, right?


Pictures of the latest furniture to be added to our house.

Round Formica top table from MIL's store  

Cabinet top was MIL's paternal grandmother's


I just realized I didn't take a picture of the 3rd item - Michael's baby cradle. Oops!

As I close tonight I want to leave you with this - One of my dear friends from my time in Nacogdoches (love ya Gayla!) writes a wonderful blog everyday that I enjoy reading. She had a bible verse that spoke to me today and I thought I would share it with you:

I Corinthians 16:14 (The Message)

“ Keep your eyes open, …, give it all you've got, be resolute, and love without stopping.”

Bad blogger!!!

Oops! Didn't meet that goal! I've been very unmotivated and busy doing NOTHING!!! well actually, I was doing stuff. I just couldn't make myself blog about any of it.

Last week, I was sick a couple of days - may have been overheated? It is way too hot here!

We did our weekly trip to Wal-Mart Friday. We also made a stop at Home Depot to pick up some stuff to work on my flower beds.

Friday night Bobby & I went to the Saint Jo Rodeo. Man was it HOT!!

Michael had to work Saturday so Bobby and I hung around the house. We went to the rodeo parade Saturday afternoon and about melted on the sidewalk! We had tickets for Saturday's rodeo but just couldn't make ourselves sit out in that heat for 3 hours even though it was after dark.

Sunday morning Bobby and I got to go to Kaili's church to see her sing "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord." It was really cute and a great performance for a 5 year old. Bobby actually went to the nursery after the children's sermon. He never wants to be in there! Usually he stays with me. It was so nice to listen to the entire sermon without interruption. Don't get me wrong - I love having him with me - it was just different.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Thank you for the suggestion Susan. I get a lot of my recipes from cdkitchen. They have loads and loads of recipes! The best part is that my husband, the brown food man, will eat most of them.

I also found the Meal Makeover Moms

Weekly Menu

Okay Simply Susan, you have inspired me - I'm going to attempt planning my menus a week at a time. Although my typical follow-through behavior, this will probably only last one week.

I’m going to try to post more often – wait a minute, that’s not an appropriate goal. I write goals all the time for my Special ed kids so let me try this again. Currently I’m not writing any posts so let’s rewrite that goal to – The student will write three posts every week with one of the posts including her weekly menu with an 80% accuracy. LOL


    • Breakfast - cereal
    • Lunch - Bobby will be making English Muffin Pizzas (I'll be cleaning up all afternoon but it's worth every minute!)
    • Dinner - Coconut Chicken Fingers  adobe reader icon


        • Breakfast - Cream of wheat
        • Lunch - Ravioli ("square spaghetti" as Bobby calls it)
        • Dinner - All In One Spaghetti  adobe reader icon


            • Breakfast - Waffles
            • Lunch - Bobby's pizza
            • Dinner - 7-Up Chicken  adobe reader icon


                • Breakfast - waffles
                • Lunch - ABC spaghetti
                • Dinner - Famous Pork Chops - my own recipe with cracker crumbs & eggs adobe reader icon


                    • Breakfast - French toast
                    • Lunch - Grilled cheese
                    • Dinner - We'll eat at the Saint Jo Rodeo


                        • Breakfast - cream of wheat
                        • Lunch -  grilled cheese
                        • Dinner - eat out

                        BTW- Check out where I'm going in a month - Women of Faith Conference in Dallas! My friends have gone for the last couple of years and I signed up yesterday to join them this year! I can't wait!!!


                        We, meaning Michael & I, installed a new A/C window unit Friday which has helped control some of the heat in our living room. Our Brittany Spaniel, Sara, really likes it because it's nice a low where she can lay in front of it and cool off! I'll try to get a picture of her posted.

                        Friday, June 6, 2008

                        June 6, 2008

                        I have started this blog to give me a place to ramble about whatever I wanted to. The other blog was just for my family and found many times that I had the needed a place to write but it didn't belong on our Kaz blog. So, here I am.
                        I finished my first afghan tonight. It looks beautiful and I'm very proud of it.