Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes

One year ago tonight, Bobby and I came home and realized our world had flipped completely upside down and we were facing a new "normal." There have been some ups and downs. There have been some happy and sad moments. But I have learned so much over the last year. (Too much to list here) As sad as this day could be, it's not, which I know sounds completely crazy to most people. But when you have so many friends, a wonderful family, and a God that is always there when you need them, you look at life and all of its difficulties with a positive outlook.

Michael's monument
Tonight was the first time I have been to Michael's grave. I put it off for a few days even though I wanted to see his monument that was set Saturday. At the end of my work day, I knew there was a reason why I put it off. Today was the day – the perfect day! I know God had a reason for me to wait to go. It was a strange feeling knowing Michael was there but not there at the same time. My dear friend, Patty, went with me because I didn’t know how I would react the first time. I was glad she was there even though I didn’t lose it like I was afraid could happen. I was almost what could be called giddy. I think it was the monument. I felt so at peace standing there looking at it. The Cruiser is there just like I wanted and just like I know he would have wanted. One friend pointed out to me that it looks like the Cruiser is driving off into the sunset! (I can’t remember who, sorry if it was you L) And of course I had to make sure he had the Aggies there.  It is just perfect!

So, please don't cry for me or for Bobby. We were so blessed to have Michael even though it was for too short a time. When I look around, there are so many reminders of his love for us. He was an incredible man!

Tonight, take a moment to thank God that I did get to have him in my life. Thank God that Bobby got to have such a wonderful Dad. We know that God put us here for a reason and I'm truly having fun discovering all the things that God has done for me in the last year and I'm excited to see what's next in the coming next.

Everyone, stay tuned to see what's next in our ongoing adventure!

Esther 4:14b (TNIV)
And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”