It's been a long month around here! Michael had neck surgery on August 29 and has been off work since then. Yesterday he went back for his 2nd follow-up appointment and he was released to return to work - FINALLY! Don't get me wrong - I love my husband with all my heart, soul, body, and mind but there is such a thing as too much togetherness! Anyway, today, he went back to work. And so did I!
On today's agenda:
* Bible Study - done
* Wash sheets
* Bake dog treats - done
* Vacuum
* Cook dinner
* Pick up Bobby & his friend from school
* Football practice @ 5:30
Bobby has been looking forward to this day for 2 weeks! Last week he went to his friend's house but this week we are returning the favor. I'll pick up both boys from school and they'll hang out here until time for practice. This is a first for us. The closest we have had is the neighbor's grandson came over for a couple of hours twice. Since he lives in San Antonio that doesn't happen very often.
A few weeks ago, Bobby threw what can only be described as a "party" for the dogs. You'll notice in the picture that there is dog food all over my bedroom. That's Bobby's version of confetti for dogs! When his Aunt Pud found out, she sent us some dog treat recipes. Today I made a batch. Maybe this could be a way to earn some extra income? Okay it's not a full-time job but anything can help us out.

It's time to get back to work but I wanted to show something I have done today in the world of organization. I saw this idea awhile ago on Pinterest and am finally getting around to doing it for my kitchen. The original picture had a small board with cup hooks but I decided that nails directly into the cabinet doors would be fine for my purposes. After all, my cabinets are just plywood and very old. You can see from the picture that there has been a multitude of items hung with tape before we ever moved into the house. I don't know what they were but one of the cabinet doors still had something and I included a couple of pictures of those. One is a Calorie Counter and the other is an emergency information paper.

If you look closely, you might be able to see the phone numbers but just in case:
Local Poison Control 5-3235
Physician 5-4125
I love this because it shows how phone numbers used to be written. And just think, in larger towns you now have to dial 10 digits!
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